Tulsa Backstage 2021

Michelle Honaker, Becky Hobbs, Winnie Guess Perdue, Travis Fite, Tommy Cummings, Andy Sanchez

Eli Burrup, Ashley McCrone, Kyra Burrup, Ella Raper

Our mini-but-mighty orchestra (back of head) Patrick Savage, Duane Sciacqua, Becky Hobbs, Rick Gomez, Ricky Gonzalez, Farren Mayfield & Jim Loftin (not in this pic)

Jim "Sugar Bear" Loftin & Young Nanyehi Kyra Burrup

Ashley & Kyra

Ella and Joseph

Travis, Winnie & Tommy

Andy and Lara Sanchez

Mitchell Rabbit & Rita Rabbit Peter

Penny Quinnelly,Tabitha Littlefield & Shelby Rowe

Ella Raper,Ashley McCrone, Kyra Burrup, Tabitha Littlefield, Chloe Smith, Chrissy Lewis Thomson

Sammye Walton, Producer

Another view...

Winnie and Kyra

Joseph Kidwell

Tommy Cummings with Sue Harris, Ann Ong, Katey Sherrick Blair & Evelyn Hibbs

George Miller & Winnie Guess Perdue

Monica Taylor Fite & Travis Fite

Pam & Winnie Guess Perdue & family

Former Principal Chief Bill John Baker and his lovely granddaughters with Michelle Honaker and Becky Hobbs.