Our "orchestra pit" behind the scrim

Duane on the set.

Becky & Duane

Our "mini but mighty" orchestra: L to R: Arthur Madeus Vaughn, Becky Hobbs, Duane Sciacqua, James Cobb, Benjamin Loy and Bob Greene.

Most of our wonderful cast and crew

With good friends Benita Hill and Michael Braley

Becky on the set.

Front page news!

L to R: Gennie Oglesby, fellow Nancy Ward cousin, Green Eyes Walking, Becky, Duane and Travis Fite (Dragging Canoe).

This monument, dedicated to the Seven Clans of the Cherokee, stands on Long Island of the Holston (right in the heart of Kingsport, TN), where Nanyehi gave her most powerful "Our cry is all for peace" speech in 1781! The white men were surprised that the Cherokee were represented by a woman!