A dozen fellow Nancy Ward descendants came from all over the country to see our World Premiere!
Jerry King (Attakullakulla) and Becky Hobbs. Sadly, Jerry passed away less than two months later.
Becky Hobbs and Michelle Honaker
Frank "Galvtsi, Becky "Wegi" and Green Eyes Walking
Green Eyes Walking and Peggy Sweet, our stage manager.
Green Eyes Walking, Michelle Honaker, Jerry King and David Fossett.
Becky's gal pals, Benita Hill (the Diva) and Kacey Jones (the Shameless Hussy), drove over from Nashville.
Michelle Honaker, our talented leading lady. Beautiful on the inside and out!
"What an incredible production!!!! I've been reviewing shows for more than 40 years and this is one of the greatest and grandest and most emotionally heart wrenching musicals I have ever seen. My immediate reaction is that it combines the rebellious and youthful nature of Hair with the western pioneer spirit of Oklahoma! The story of the great Cherokee warrior woman and peace advocate Nanyehi (also known by her English married name of Nancy Ward) is so typical of the many Americans who are trying to get beyond what divides us while trying to remember what best unites us. The superbly crafted songs of Becky Hobbs, great dialog by co-playwright Nick Sweet and amazing performance by Michelle Honaker in the title role brings to mind one simple question: Why isn't this show on Broadway where all Americans can be proud of the real-life role that Native Americans had in bringing about our wonderful nation?"
Don Rhodes, Publications Editor
Morris Communications Co.
Publications Manager
National Barrel Horse Association
The Augusta Futurity
"Since Nanyehi became famous before written historical records on Native Americans are extensive, we know just enough about her life to interweave historical events with artistic license. Nick Sweet and Becky Hobbs have done this to perfection to produce a spectacular musical. Even though I had been following the project since its beginnings, seeing the premiere of "NANYEHI – Beloved Woman of the Cherokee" on April 14 in Hartwell, Georgia, was both breathtaking and moving. The Overture, which was new to me, was so overpowering, that I was literally in tears before one actor stepped onto the stage. The songs, which I had heard Becky sing many times, took on a new meaning when being performed as part of the narrative of Nancy Ward's life. Michelle Honaker's portrayal of Nanyehi was more inspiring and spiritually moving than I would have imagined possible. I can envision Michelle taking this to Broadway and the movie screen. The descendants of Nancy Ward will be proud and inspired by this project taken on by Becky and Nick."
David Hampton, President
The Association of the Descendants of Nancy Ward
"Becky Hobbs and Nick Sweet have created a powerful, unique, and brilliant musical about Nanyehi/Nancy Ward. The songs touch the heart and soul, and linger in the mind. The cast, dances, costumes, story, settings, and music were outstanding. Michelle Honaker portrayed Nanyehi to perfection with her vocal and acting skills. This is a shinning jewel of a musical, sure to land on Broadway and to tour the country for years, thanks to the talents of those involved who helped bring the Beloved Woman of the Cherokee to life. Standing ovations for every performance were well-deserved. I can hardly wait to see it again. I am certain that both the musical and the song "Pale Moon" will be multi-award winners."
Janelle Taylor - Multi-award winning, New York Times bestselling author of numerous Native American novels, including Destiny Mine and the "Lakota Skies Series."
"Michelle Honaker has set her sights high and achieved a great accomplishment. She epitomizes the spirit of peace for which Nancy Ward is known... I enjoyed the musical greatly and plan to return later this month for a repeat performance."
D. Ray Smith - The Oak Ridger, April 23, 2012